Residents Hire Enquiry

Tell us about you
Your Name * :

Resident Organisation

Organisation must be based at Somerset House

 * :
Which part of our community do you belong to? * :
Your Email * :
Your Telephone Number * :
Tell us about your enquiry
Date of Hire * :

(Format jj/mm/aaaa - dd/mm/yyyy)
End Date of Hire (If more than one day) :

(Format jj/mm/aaaa - dd/mm/yyyy)
Hire Timings Including any set-up and clearing of the space, including suppliers.  * :
Event Timings Timings of event itself :
Are you flexible on the event dates and timings? :
If yes, tell us more :
Preferred Event Space :
Are you flexible on the space? :
If yes, tell us more :
Estimated number of attendees * :
Space Capacity (If different to number of attendees, please tell us what capacity of room that you need) :
Estimated Hire Budget (We will provide a venue hire quote based on the information you provide. We will also let you know about associated fixed fees such as event manager costs, cleaning and security, where required.) :
Hire Type (Please note that we are not usually able to support exhibitions or installations as part of resident project space hires. If you would like to discuss an idea for a short-term exhibition or installation, please contact us at ) :
Hire Detail Please tell us a little more about your hire, what is the type of activity or event, and any specific hire production needs not covered above. If you would like to use multiple spaces, or it is multi-day hire, please give more details here. :
Who will be attending? Please note that we don't support widely advertised public events as part of resident project space hires :
How will you manage access for your guests? Please note we currently don't accept commercial activity (selling tickets) as part of residents' space hire. If you would like to run a commercial activity, please complete the commercial events form instead * :
Do you or your guests have any accessibility needs? Please note that not all of our spaces have step-free access. :
What refreshments might you require? Please note that if you would like to serve alcohol this must be booked from our accredited suppliers and, in most cases, we are required to book in security staffing at an additional fee (subject to availability). :
Will any photography or filming be taking place? Please note that copyright permissions apply to certain areas of Somerset House. * :
If yes, please give details :
Do you require any furniture? Please note that most of our spaces are unfurnished, we are happy to porter our onsite furniture to your space on request, at an additional fee (subject to availability). :
Will your event require any audio/visual equipment? A few of our spaces have some audio/visual equipment available at no extra cost. For all other spaces, we have a range of approved external technicians and equipment suppliers that we are happy to connect you with. :
If other, please specify :
Are you collaborating with any other members of our community? Let us know the name of their organisation or practice here: :
Would you like for this activity to be considered for inclusion in the Somerset House Community Programme? Please note that the community programming team meets bi-monthly to review proposed activities against our community programming objectives, space availability and resourcing. If aligned, we would like to explore ways that we could collaborate with you and would support promotion of the activity as part of the Somerset House Community Programme. :